Nachdem aus einem vergangenem Statement seitens Sony hervorging, dass ‚Little Big Planet‘ regionale Einschränkungen hat, sprich die selbst erstellten Levels nicht weltweit verfügbar sind, gibt es nun ein neuerliches Statement: So hat im Europäischen Playstation-Community Forum ein Sony-Mitarbeiter klar gestellt, dass die selbst erstellten Levels der User weltweit verfügbar sind, hier das original Zitat aus dem Forum:
Hi all, as many of you may have heard already in an interview at Leipzig the senior producer for LittleBigPlanet announced that the game is region locked. This is in fact not the case, and all shared levels in the game will be available worldwide. The confusion arose out of regional differences in how moderation will work as there are different legal rules each region have to play by, and at one point this looked like it may require the game to be independent in each region – however this has been worked around and there will only be one region for the game…. a LittleBigRegion.
Apologies for any confusion over this issue, however I’m pretty sure you’re happy with the result.