Wie aus einem Interview mit Simon Jeffery, dem CEO von Sega Of America hervorgeht, arbeitet Yu Suzuki nicht mehr bei Sega. Dazu der nachfolgende Auszug aus dem Interview:
Speaking of names, what has happened to Yu Suzuki?
SJ: Last I heard, he was doing some online stuff in China.
He’s spearheaded an arcade racing title. Is he just really off in his own world?
SJ: Yeah. He’s kind of his own man right now. Every now and again, he’ll come up with an idea, and I don’t think anything has come out of that yet, but we’re still working with him. He’s not an employee anymore, but…
I wasn’t sure if he was still actually a Sega employee.
SJ: Not as far as I know.
Quelle: Gamasutra.com